Open lecture
Invited lecturer: Leonid Dubrovinsky
"Journey to the center of the Earth 150 years after Jules Verne: Science - not fiction"
Leonid Dubrovinsky graduated from the Department of Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry of the Faculty of Geology at Moscow State University in 1983, received his Ph.D. from the same University in 1986 (supervisor: Prof. Vadim S. Urusov). He obtained the venia legendi at Uppsala University in Sweden and the University of Bayreuth in Germany. He is currently Academic Director at the Bavarian Research Institute of Experimental Geochemistry and Geophysics (Bayerisches Geoinstitut) in Bayreuth. His research interests cover high pressure studies of geophysically important materials, high pressure solid state physics and chemistry, development of new scientific instruments for structural studies at high pressures and temperatures. Leonid Dubrovinsky was awarded the Gregori Aminoff Prize in Crystallography 2017 of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences “for having developed new methodology for in situ-experimental determination of crystal structures subjected to extreme conditions of high temperature and pressure”.